Describe anyone, anything or any place with these
positive adjectives that start with S. Would you describe yourself as super, sympathetic, self-confident, seductive or striking? Would you describe a chocolate sweet, smooth or satisfying? And would you say that you will be driving through a scenic or serene route? For any good adjective words starting with S we’ve got you covered. One of the most important things to know about words is that they have a lot of power, especially these positive S adjectives! The letter S is one of the most commonly used letters in the English language, so there is no shortage of S words to describe someone positively. Whether they are written or spoken, positive words can inspire, encourage, motivate and they can empower you and many people around you. From saccharine to systematic, we hope that you find our positive adjectives beginning with S satisfactory.

Positive Adjectives That Start With S
Saccharine |
Sacred |
Sacrificial |
Sacrilegious |
Safe |
Sagacious |
Saintly |
Salient |
Salubrious |
Salvageable |
Salvaged |
Sanctimonious |
Sane |
Sanguine |
Sanitary |
Sappy |
Sartorial |
Satisfactory |
Satisfied |
Satisfying |
Savvy |
Scenic |
Scented |
Scheduled |
Schematic |
Scholarly |
Scholastic |
Scientific |
Scintillating |
Scrumptious |
Scrupulous |
Sculpted |
Seamless |
Secure |
Secured |
Seductive |
Seemly |
Select |
Selected |
Self-assured |
Self-confident |
Self-directed |
Self-disciplined |
Self-effacing |
Self-indulgent |
Selfless |
Self-reliant |
Self-respect |
Self-satisfied |
Sellable |
Semiconscious |
Senior |
Sensational |
Sensible |
Sensitive |
Sensual |
Sensuous |
Sentimental |
Serendipitous |
Serene |
Serious |
Serviceable |
Shapely |
Sharp |
Sharpened |
Sheer |
Sheltered |
Shimmering |
Shining |
Showy |
Shrewd |
Side-splitting |
Significant |
Silky |
Silver |
Silver-tongued |
Simple |
Simple Minded |
Simplified |
Simplistic |
Sincere |
Single-minded |
Sisterly |
Sizable |
Skilled |
Skillful |
Skinny |
Sleek |
Slender |
Slim |
Smart |
Smarter |
Smartest |
Smashing |
Smiling |
Snug |
Snugly |
Soaring |
Sober |
Sociable |
Socila |
Sociological |
Soft |
Soft Hearted |
Soldierly |
Solicitous |
Solid |
Sonly |
Soothed |
Soothing |
Sophisticated |
Spacious |
Sparkling |
Sparkly |
Spatial |
Special |
Specialist |
Specialized |
Specific |
Speckled |
Spectacular |
Speedy |
Spellbinding |
Spiffy |
Spiral |
Spiraled |
Spirited |
Spiritual |
Splendid |
Spontaneous |
Sporting |
Sports manly |
Spotless |
Springy |
Sprite |
Spry |
Stable |
Standard |
Standing |
Stately |
Statistical |
Statuesque |
Status |
Staunch |
Steadfast |
Steady |
Stealth |
Still |
Stilled |
Stimulating |
Stoic |
Straight |
Straightforward |
Strategic |
Striking |
Strong |
Stronger |
Strongest |
Studied |
Studious |
Stunning |
Stupendous |
Sturdy |
Stylish |
Stylistic |
Suave |
Subdued |
Subject |
Sublime |
Subliminal |
Subsequent |
Substantiated |
Subtle |
Successful |
Successive |
Succinct |
Sufficient |
Suitable |
Sumptuous |
Sunny |
Super |
Superabundant |
Superb |
Superhuman |
Superior |
Superlative |
Supernatural |
Supersonic |
Supple |
Supportive |
Supreme |
Sure |
Sure-footed |
Surmountable |
Surrealistic |
Survivable |
Sustainable |
Swanky |
Sweeping |
Sweet |
Swift |
Symbolic |
Symmetrical |
Sympathetic |
Synergistic |
Synonymous |
Systematic |
Splendid! You made it to the bottom of this page of good adjectives that start with S. We hope you found the perfect adjectives starting with S to describe a person positively and that you are satisfied. The letter S looks like a snake is actually pronounced like the hiss of a snake (sssssssssss). This letter is suave, swift, strong and stylish letter, looks like the letter “F” in old manuscripts, is the seventh most common letter in the English language and the 3rd most common consonant after “T” and “N”. We hope you liked our skillfully striking list of adjectives that start with S positive and have found it very helpful. Have a superbly S adjectives positive day!