Get ready for a dose of positive power words! Sit or stand up straight and proclaim this out loud: “I am absolutely amazing, empowered with energy, with strength and passion that is mind-blowing and I radiate vibrant health and love!” Feels pretty good, doesn’t it? That is the power of positive words! Words can affect how we feel, especially if we imbue them with emotion and feeling. You can use these positive power words to create affirmations, poems, to compliment someone, or to use as positive mantras. Using positive word power to change how you feel can profoundly transform your life. The key to seeing results is to persistently and patiently add power words to your daily life again and again. If you do so, you will soon notice a surge of confidence, excitement and energy.

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positive power words

Positive Power Words


Absolutely Abundance Abundant Accomplished
Achieve Adventure Affluent Alive
Alluring Always Amazing Astonishing
Astounding Authoritative Authority Awe-inspiring


Badass Beautiful Beloved Best
Best-ever Better Big Blast
Blissful Bold Bomb Boundless
Brave Bravo Bright Brightly
Brilliance Brilliant Bright


Captivating Catapult Champion Change
Charming Clean Clever Colorful
Colossal Comfortable Committed Complete
Completely Comprehensive Conclusive Confident
Cool Create Creative Cure


Daring Dazzling Decadent Dedicated
Deep Definitive Defying Delicious
Delight Delightful Dependable Destiny
Detailed Determined Developed Discipline
Discover Distinguished Dream Dreamy
Drive Driven


Easily Easy Effective Effortless
Elated Elegant Elite Empower
Empowerment Energy Enjoy Enjoyment
Enormous Enthusiastic Epic Essential
Ethical Everlasting Exactly Excellent
Exceptional Excited Exciting Experienced
Expert Explosive Exquisite Extraordinary
Extravagant Extreme Extremely Exuberant


Fabulous Fail-proof Famous Fancy
Fantastic Fantasy Fascinating Fearless
Fierce First First-class First-rate
Flawless Focus Forever Forgive
Forgiveness Fortune Free Freedom
Fresh Fully Fun Funny


Gargantuan Generous Genius Genuine
Gifted Gigantic Glamour Glamorous
Glorious Gorgeous Grand Great
Greatness Growing Growth Ground-breaking
Guaranteed Gutsy


Handsome Happy Hardworking Health
Healthy Heartwarming Heavenly Hero
Heroic Highest Highly Hilarious
Honest Honor Honorable Huge


Icon Iconic Ideal Immeasurable
Immediately Immensely Impeccable Impenetrable
Important Impressive Incomparable Increase
Indestructible Indispensable Indomitable Indulgent
Infinite Innovative Inspired Inspiring
Instantly Intelligent Intense Intrepid
Intriguing Invaluable Invincible Irreplaceable


Jackpot Jaw-dropping Joyful Jubilant


Kick-ass King Knockout Knowledge


Large Latest Laugh Laughter
Launch Lavish Leader Learning
Legacy Legend Legendary Life
Life-changing Lifesaver Light Limitless
Long-lasting Love Loyal Lucrative
Luxurious Luxury


Magic Magical Magnificent Majestic
Major Marvelous Massive Master
Masterclass Memorable Mesmerizing Meticulous
Mighty Mind-blowing Miracle Modern
Money Monumental Motivated Multitude


Natural New Nice Nobility
Noble Now Number one


Obsession On-demand On-top-of-the-world Opportunity
Opulence Opulent Original Out-of-this-world
Outstanding Overcome Overyjoy


Passion Passionate Perfect Perfection
Phenomenal Pioneer Pioneering Pleasure
Popular Positive Power Powerful
Precious Precision Premium Prestigious
Priceless Prodigious Professional Profit
Profound Progress Prominent Promise
Promote Prosperous Protect Proud
Proven Provocative Pure Purpose


Qualified Quality Queen Quick


Radiant Rare Ready Real
Relevant Reliable Remarkable Resilient
Respect Resplendent Responsible Results
Revolutionary Rewarding Rich Riveting


Sacred Safe Satisfaction Satisfy
Save Savvy Scrumptious Secure
Seductive Sensational Sexy Sharp
Significant Simple Smart Solution
Solve Sophisticated Special Spectacular
Speedy Spellbinding Splendid Staggering
Star Strategic Strategy Strong
Stunning Stupendous Sublime Success
Super Superb Superior Superlative
Supreme Surefire Surprise Surprising
Survive Survivor Sweet


Talent Talented Tantalizing Team
Tenacious Terrific The best Thrilling
Timeless Today Transform Triumph
Triumphant True Truly Trust
Trust Trustworthy Truth


Ultimate Unbeatable Unbelievable Undeniable
Understanding Unique United Unleashed
Unlimited Unmatched Unparalleled Unrivaled
Unstoppable Untouchable Unwavering


Valiant Valor Valuable Value
Vibrant Victory VIP Virtue
Virtuous Vision Visionary Vivacious


Wealth Welcome Whole Willing
Win Winner Winning Wisdom
Wise Wonderful Worth Worthy


Yes Young Youthful


Zeal Zen Zest

May these positive power words help fill your life with more adventure, boldness and excitement. You can use these positive power words for customer service, marketing, advertising, life coaching and much more. These power words positively affect your life in many ways when you begin to use them. The more the better! So be brave and forge yourself a more positive path with these words of power!